The funny silly story happened once you buy something that you don't know what and how it uses :D
Tentu yang paling mudah ditemukan adalah "The Body Shop" siapa ga tau, di Jakarta juga banyak branchnya. Jadi gw mencoba untuk mencari merk lain walaupun TBS lagi ada diskon buat Christmas yang lumayan besar.
Sampai pada ngeliat gerai "L'Occitane". Dan pertanyaan pertama yang gw ajukan ke sales clerknya hanya satu, Do you have branch in Indonesia? Hahaha like i gonna be the new investor for Indonesia market. She answered that she was not too sure. Which at the end of the day, i realized that I was be fooled by her, when i look up in the internet that they have opened branch in some elite mall in Jakarta. Nevertheless, the clerk was so informative, explain me with her passionate, yet also beautiful, that can make a customer satisfy. That's important! I learn so much this during training.
Let me show you the item i bought.
1. Olive Luminous Body Cream
I just love olive oil fragrance.. And Hopefully she does. Is supposed to be a surprise for her :D tapi karena ada kesalahan teknis jadi rada gagal. Mudah-mudahan surprise berikutnya akan lebih baik :p Hahaha ga jadi romantis deh, emang gak bakat..
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